Thursday, 19 July 2012

Margaret River and Cape Leeuwin - a quick Post to catch up!

Great Shot! Crowls mentioned this magic spot the 147 year old Busselton jetty which has an underwater observatory at the end and a train that takes you the 1.84 kilometres to the end where in the old days they loaded timber for export to foreign shores.  We arrived and the weather was coming in as you can see! The underwater observatory was unfortunately closed and the train was going to be a while so we stayed, sat, saw and had coffee! 

 A little town just north of Margaret River called 'Cowaramup'.  Firstly, many of the towns from the Margaret River area all the way to Ceduna have names that end with 'up' or 'rup'.  We learned from the web that the word 'up' from the traditional land owners of the region refers to 'a place of' so if there's heaps of cows, then the place name has cow in the name and ends in 'up'!  Then theres a version about Danish and 'rup' but bugger them....Anyway I digress, the locals have absolutely nailed it tourism wise by buying hundreds of these fibreglass cows of all shapes, gait and size that are scattered throughout the small town.  Only days old and still most with concrete bases yet to be dug into the soil the affect on tourism for the town was so evident as everyone was stopping to take photo's of the cows!  10 POINTS TO GRIFFINDORE!

Thats the Indian Ocean meeting the Southern Ocean....south western point of mainland Australia view here is from Cape Leeuwin Lighthouse..apparently the tallest lighthouse in Australia. 

Nice shot of the girls on top of Cape Leeuwin lighthouse.

Entrance to Lake Cave one of the many caves that run through the Margaret River area. We visited Crystal Cave and this one and very beautiful indeed.  Tried to get the photo's underground to work but only got a few by long exposure and sitting camera on deck. 

Lake Cave - Water level is a bit lower than when first discovered.  This shot has what they call the table. Very nice suspended 5 tonne of caltrite...calcium stalactite/mite thingamy jig......pretty cool to see,  photo's do no justice.

How to save a fortune on the road....make your own lunches!  Food is better, fresher and we can heat up soup etc... (background is pumpkin soup on the portable gas stove) for lunches on the run.  

See you soon!

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